Hi! My name is Jeremy, and I interned with Airplantman this past spring. My internship experience helped me gain hands-on experience and complete a horticulture certificate program at UCLA Extension. Here are a couple interesting things I learned from my time with the Airplantman team:
• I always thought you can get away with only misting your air plants, but it’s not enough to hydrate your plants - spraying or soaking with water will help your air plant stay alive and happy
• Although air plants look great indoors, they really thrive outdoors in their natural growing environment with sunlight and rain
• Air plants can do well outdoors without fertilizer - after all, air plants grow outside in the wild and get what they need from nature
• Air plants are related to bromeliads and pineapples!
• The oil from your fingers and anything with copper can mess with your air plants’ leaves - it’s best to avoid handling your plants often by hand, or to keep them suspended from a wire or Airplantman Frame
• You can trim off an air plant’s dried brown leaves or roots and it won’t hurt the plant
Airplantman team from left to right: Josh, Jeremy, and Shayna