Sep 09, 2019 | Joshua Rosen
Airplant Roots People are often confused as to why airplants have roots if they gather all their water and nutrients through their leaves. Used pr...
Jul 14, 2019 | Joshua Rosen
Select Suitable and healthy Air Plants for your home! Have you been wanting to grow plants but do not have time to take care of them? Looking for...
Apr 24, 2019 | Joshua Rosen
GAEA'S ROOM is installment 10 of a program of exhibitions supported by the Swiss Cultural Fund UK and Studio Blattler. The curated the concept and...
Aesthetica Botanica Gingko Press In addition to being featured for my work as Airplantman I was honored to be asked to write a forward for this ...
Mar 07, 2019 | Joshua Rosen
Mar 04, 2019 | Joshua Rosen